Subject: CATBOWL: V1.0 Bowling Stats Author: BMT Software Company Uploaded By: SCULLY612 Date: 7/24/1999 File: CB2KS.ZIP (5555077 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33221 baud): < 45 minutes Download Count: 816 Equipment: 486/DX, 16MB Ram, 16 bit Color Needs: An UnZIPing Program, Windows 95 or higher Keywords: Menini, BMT, Bowl, Score, Average, Track, Win95, Win98 Type: Shareware New for this version: Maintenance Upgrade. Catbowl 2000 helps you become a better bowler by tracking scores frame by frame, pin by pin. Gives percentages of spares missed, money spent, money won, centers bowled in, Prints Blank Scoresheets, Get directions to your bowling centers from the built in address book automatically, and much, much more. To Install, launch: SETUP.EXE To Run, launch: CATBOWL.EXE Documentation: MANUAL.PDF, TIPS.TXT plus Help within the program. Downloads of previous version: 943